Episode 51

Published on:

16th Jan 2025

Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude: A Spirit-Led Perspective

#51: Today, we’re diving into a powerful and transformative topic: cultivating a heart of gratitude. Gratitude isn’t just about saying “thank you” when things go well—it’s about seeing life through a Spirit-led lens and recognizing God’s goodness in every season.

In this episode, I’ll explore the biblical foundation of gratitude, share practical ways to make it part of your daily life, and discuss how gratitude can heal, strengthen relationships, and shift your mindset. I’ll also share personal stories of how God has used gratitude to transform my life.

Plus, I’ve got a special Heavenly Position System Challenge for you—a journaling prompt designed to help you experience gratitude on a deeper level.

If you aren’t driving or multi-tasking, grab your journal, open your heart, and get ready to be inspired.

Let’s go to the show!

Key Take-aways:

  • 00:08 - Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude
  • 02:47 - The Transformative Power of Gratitude
  • 04:52 - Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude
  • 06:36 - The Power of Gratitude
  • 10:23 - Cultivating Gratitude in Difficult Times
  • 13:30 - Embracing Gratitude and Community


Heavenly Position Guidance Challenge:

For this week's Heavenly Position System Challenge, take out your journal and take at least 10 minutes to reflect and write about three specific things from the past week for which you are grateful. For each one, consider:

  • What moment or blessing happened this week to reveal God’s presence in your life?
  • What impact did this have on your heart, your relationships, or your perspective?
  • What way can you carry this gratitude forward into the coming week?

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Want to connect with Angee? You can find her on Instagram @angeewrobertson or at angeerobertson.com

Angie Robertson:

I'm Angie Robertson and you're listening to the Spirit Led Life podcast, episode 51.

Angie Robertson:

Today we're diving into a powerful and transformative topic, cultivating a heart of gratitude.

Angie Robertson:

Gratitude isn't just about saying thank you when things go well.

Angie Robertson:

It's about seeing life through a Spirit Led lens and recognizing God's goodness in every season.

Angie Robertson:

In this episode, I'll explore the Biblical foundation of gratitude, share some practical ways to make it a part of your daily life, and discuss how gratitude can heal, strengthen relationships, and shift your mindset.

Angie Robertson:

I'll also share some personal stories on how God has used gratitude to transform my life.

Angie Robertson:

Plus, I've got a special Heavenly Position System challenge for you, a journaling prompt designed to help you experience gratitude on a deeper level.

Angie Robertson:

If you aren't driving or multitasking, grab your journal, open your heart and get ready to be inspired.

Angie Robertson:

Let's go to the show.

Angie Robertson:

I am so excited you're here today.

Angie Robertson:

Whether you're tuning in for the first time or you've been walking this journey with me for a while, I am so grateful you've made space in your day to join me.

Angie Robertson:

If you're new here, welcome.

Angie Robertson:

I'll introduce myself again.

Angie Robertson:

I'm Angie Robertson, a certified life and career coach, author, storyteller and journaling advocate and I'm passionate about helping you hear God's voice, live in alignment with the Holy Spirit, and confidently embrace who God created you to be.

Angie Robertson:

Through heartfelt stories and spiritual encouragement.

Angie Robertson:

I'm here to guide you in reflecting, realigning and co creating a life that honors your God given purpose.

Angie Robertson:

Before we get into today's topic, I want to encourage you to follow, share and leave a comment on this podcast.

Angie Robertson:

It would mean so much to me if you would take just a few minutes, go into your podcast player and click the follow link if you haven't already.

Angie Robertson:

You can also share this podcast with a friend who might be interested in this topic and who doesn't want to learn how to live by the Holy Spirit a little bit more.

Angie Robertson:

One other way you can support this podcast is by leaving a kind review.

Angie Robertson:

When you like, share and leave a comment.

Angie Robertson:

It helps others to find this podcast and we are building a community to learn how to live our lives by the Holy Spirit.

Angie Robertson:

Thank you again for taking the time to share.

Angie Robertson:

I want to invite you to settle into this moment.

Angie Robertson:

Like I said in the intro, if you aren't driving, working out or multitasking, maybe go grab your journal, a warm cup of tea or coffee, whatever your beverage of choice is or just simply open your heart to receive what the Holy Spirit might have for you today.

Angie Robertson:

Gratitude is more than a feeling.

Angie Robertson:

It's a transformative spiritual discipline.

Angie Robertson:

It's a mindset and a way of living.

Angie Robertson:

In this episode, we'll explore how gratitude can draw us closer to God, enrich our relationships, and transform our lives from the inside out.

Angie Robertson:

So let's begin by grounding ourselves in the Word.

Angie Robertson:

Gratitude is woven throughout the Bible, from the Psalms to the teachings of Jesus to the letters of Paul.

Angie Robertson:

Take Psalms 104, for example.

Angie Robertson:

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.

Angie Robertson:

Give thanks to him and bless his name.

Angie Robertson:

Gratitude is a way to enter God's presence.

Angie Robertson:

It aligns our hearts with his goodness, reminding us of his faithfulness.

Angie Robertson:

Then there's 1 Thessalonians 5:18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Angie Robertson:

Now, if you're like me Sometimes gratitude can be hard.

Angie Robertson:

I mean, like this morning, one of the cats pooped on a rug and let's just say it wasn't solid.

Angie Robertson:

And I'm not really in a grateful attitude.

Angie Robertson:

I'm not saying thank you Jesus for this cat poop when I talk about gratitude.

Angie Robertson:

This doesn't mean we deny our struggles or pretend everything is fine.

Angie Robertson:

Instead, it invites us to see God's hand even in difficult times, trusting that he works all things together for our good.

Angie Robertson:

Believe it or not, there was a grateful moment in this experience of this cat pooping on the floor.

Angie Robertson:

This cat has been constipated for some time, and the fact that she pooped was a blessing because we've spent like $800 on her before dealing with this whole constipation thing.

Angie Robertson:

So the fact that she was regular and did that is fantastic.

Angie Robertson:

I just wish she would have went in the litter box.

Angie Robertson:

But nonetheless, I'm glad she went now.

Angie Robertson:

When I was creating this episode, I had no idea I was going to use this story as an example.

Angie Robertson:

Not one of my better examples, but I bet you won't forget and it'll help you remember gratitude.

Angie Robertson:

Now that we've looked at the biblical foundation of gratitude, let's get practical.

Angie Robertson:

How can we cultivate a heart of gratitude in our daily lives?

Angie Robertson:

Here are a few simple techniques I have found helpful.

Angie Robertson:

The first is journal gratitude.

Angie Robertson:

, closing out:

Angie Robertson:

I shared one of the practices I did consistently last year was a gratitude list.

Angie Robertson:

d I continue that practice in:

Angie Robertson:

The second technique is starting your day with praise before you even get out of bed, speak out loud.

Angie Robertson:

Three things that you're grateful for.

Angie Robertson:

This can set the tone for your day.

Angie Robertson:

I sometimes do this when I'm awake at 3am because hello menopause and I can't get back to sleep.

Angie Robertson:

I'll either do this, I'll share some gratitudes, or I'll pray.

Angie Robertson:

Another thing is Gratitude Walks.

Angie Robertson:

Take a walk and thank God for everything that you see.

Angie Robertson:

Nature, your health, or even the people you pass by.

Angie Robertson:

This is a great way to get out of your head as well.

Angie Robertson:

If I've had a particular intense day taking a walk and noticing nature and being grateful for the sun shining on my face, the birds chirping, or even like if you follow me on Instagram, I'll post about some of the decorative rocks that people leave at the walking park and I take a picture of them.

Angie Robertson:

I am so grateful when I find those.

Angie Robertson:

I love finding those.

Angie Robertson:

Taking these walks helps me clear my mind and kind of put my soul at peace and ground me.

Angie Robertson:

And lastly, Speaking gratitude over others.

Angie Robertson:

Send a text message, write a note, or tell someone how much you appreciate them.

Angie Robertson:

Gratitude expressed becomes gratitude multiplied.

Angie Robertson:

I recently received a couple of text messages.

Angie Robertson:

One was from a young friend who is young enough to be my daughter actually, but we have some of the best conversations when we get together.

Angie Robertson:

She reached out to say that she missed me and when can we get together and that meant so much to me.

Angie Robertson:

The other text was my sister in law letting me know that she loves me and gave me an inside joke only that she and I would get.

Angie Robertson:

And that meant a lot to me as well.

Angie Robertson:

And I know I'll reach out to people to let them know that I'm thinking of them as well.

Angie Robertson:

Speaking over people, even praying for people, is another form of gratitude to appreciate those people in your life.

Angie Robertson:

Gratitude doesn't just transform our hearts, it overflows into our relationships and communities.

Angie Robertson:

When we express gratitude to others, we strengthen bonds.

Angie Robertson:

It can heal wounds, build trust, and encourage others in their walk with Christ.

Angie Robertson:

Just the mere fact that I'm sharing this episode, I hope that it encourages you in your walk with Jesus.

Angie Robertson:


Angie Robertson:

How often do we take the time to express gratitude to people around us?

Angie Robertson:

Our family, our friends, co workers, even the stranger who brightened our day.

Angie Robertson:

I know we talked.

Angie Robertson:

You've probably heard a lot about the five love languages and one of them is words of affirmation.

Angie Robertson:

And I know for me I love to hear when I'm appreciated.

Angie Robertson:

I don't know who wouldn't.

Angie Robertson:

I mean we tend to focus on the negative so much, especially on social media.

Angie Robertson:

If we get a negative comment on a post or someone DMs us with something, we can focus on that and totally negate the 25 other positive comments that we got or posts that, you know, comments to our post or DMs that we got.

Angie Robertson:

Being grateful for those positive comments and really focusing in on those can really help us to not only receive gratitude and experience gratitude, but turn around and give gratitude as well.

Angie Robertson:

Because once our cup is filled, we can overflow in God's love for that.

Angie Robertson:

that I want to do more of in:

Angie Robertson:

I'm especially trying to be more intentional with my husband.

Angie Robertson:

We've been married 25 years and things that he does routinely I can overlook because he does them all the time.

Angie Robertson:

I'm being more intentional about thanking him and noticing those things that he does, like scooping the litter box or going to Trader Joe's or cleaning the bathroom or throwing his clothes in the dirty clothes hamper.

Angie Robertson:

Those are just things that are everyday routines that we tend to take for granted.

Angie Robertson:

And I want to make sure that he's knows that he's appreciated.

Angie Robertson:

Research has shown that gratitude has profound effects on our mental and emotional well being.

Angie Robertson:

But even before modern science confirmed it, God designed gratitude as a path to peace and joy.

Angie Robertson:

Philippians 4, 67 tells us, do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.

Angie Robertson:

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds.

Angie Robertson:

In Christ Jesus.

Angie Robertson:

Gratitude shifts our focus from what's wrong to what's right.

Angie Robertson:

It reminds us of God's provision and helps us release anxiety.

Angie Robertson:

Now I know I've talked a lot about Dave's cancer journey.

Angie Robertson:

It was a pivotal moment in our life and something that will forever be a topic with me.

Angie Robertson:

It was also a massive growing experience for me.

Angie Robertson:

Dave and I had to find gratitude during the time otherwise we would have buckled under the stress and the worry and the fear.

Angie Robertson:

I was grateful for the humor we had and how we could laugh at certain moments.

Angie Robertson:

And let's be honest, cultivating gratitude isn't always easy.

Angie Robertson:

Life can be hard, and sometimes we're tempted to focus on what we lack rather than what we have.

Angie Robertson:

But gratitude is a choice, not just a feeling.

Angie Robertson:

When we face obstacles like bitterness, disappointment or comparison, we can ask God to renew our minds.

Angie Robertson:

Romans 12:2 says, do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Angie Robertson:

Sometimes this looks like reframing our perspective instead of why me?

Angie Robertson:

Ask what is God teaching me?

Angie Robertson:

Letting go of Entitlement Gratitude grows when we focus on grace rather than what we think we deserve and leaning into prayer.

Angie Robertson:

It shouldn't be our last resort.

Angie Robertson:

It should actually be our first tool and our first weapon.

Angie Robertson:

Ask God to show us what to be thankful for, even in tough seasons if you've read my book the Beauty and Letting Go, I shared the work I did with my life coach Amy and how she made me do the trading up exercise.

Angie Robertson:

So reframing can be a form of trading up your thoughts.

Angie Robertson:

Reframing the questioning from pity to kind of introspection and knowing God has your best interest in his heart helps you to see a whole new viewpoint.

Angie Robertson:

Now as we wrap up, I want to leave you with this thought.

Angie Robertson:

Gratitude isn't just something we do, it's who we become as we live spirit led lives.

Angie Robertson:

Take a moment today to reflect on how gratitude has transformed you and consider how you can bless someone else through your gratitude.

Angie Robertson:

Now, if this episode resonated with you, I'd love to hear your thoughts or or stories of how gratitude has impacted your life.

Angie Robertson:

Hopefully it won't be stories of cats pooping on the floor or anything the like, but I would love to hear your stories.

Angie Robertson:

You can connect with me on social media, ngwrobertson on Instagram, or by replying to the weekly emails that I send out.

Angie Robertson:

And if you aren't receiving those weekly emails, I want to take this time to invite you to be a part of the Spirit Led Life community by joining our mailing list.

Angie Robertson:

If you go to spiritledlifepodcast.com, you will see the subscriber form down towards the middle of the page.

Angie Robertson:

I'd love for you to fill that out and join the list.

Angie Robertson:

You'll be notified when new episodes release and I share things in those emails that I don't share anywhere else.

Angie Robertson:

So be sure to sign up@spiritledlifepodcast.com for this week's Heavenly Position System Challenge.

Angie Robertson:

Take out your journal and take at least 10 minutes to reflect and write about three specific things from the past week for which you are grateful for for each one.

Angie Robertson:

Consider what moment or blessing happened this week to reveal God's presence in your life?

Angie Robertson:

What impact did this have on your heart, your relationship, or your perspective?

Angie Robertson:

What way can you carry this gratitude forward into the coming week?

Angie Robertson:

Now, as I close, I will leave you with this prayer.

Angie Robertson:

Lord, thank you for the countless ways you reveal yourself in my life.

Angie Robertson:

Thank you for the friendships, the beauty of creation, and the lessons you teach me through challenges.

Angie Robertson:

Open my eyes to see your blessings every day and help me to respond with a heart full of gratitude.

Angie Robertson:


Angie Robertson:

Thank you for joining me on today's episode.

Angie Robertson:

This episode was produced, recorded and edited by me, Angie Robertson.

Angie Robertson:

I look forward to joining you each Thursday for a new episode as we explore together how to have a spirit led life.

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If you want to contribute financially, you can do so with the Buy Me a Coffee button.

Thank you for being here!
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Mary Williams $25
It's GIVING TUESDAY! -- Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
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I really enjoyed this episode and look forward to listening and spending more quality time with God.
Mary Williams $25
Loving the Podcast🙌🏽🙏 Thanks for being so faithful💌
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About the Podcast

Spirit Led Life
What if you were sure of the next step you should take in life? Not doubting for a moment. What if you were confident in who you are and how you show up in this world? What if you could have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control?

Join host Angee Robertson as she shares her journey as well as others on how we can be led by the Holy Spirit all day, every day even in the most mundane. You’ll discover that in a world that is overloaded with information, opinions and judgements, we have a comforter that can quiet the noise and bring us peace and assurance. You’ll begin to have more confidence in hearing and knowing God’s voice, trusting decisions you make and how God made a one of a kind you, not to be duplicated!
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About your host

Profile picture for Angee Robertson

Angee Robertson

The summer of my senior year in high school, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. As I approached my twenties, I was wondering what my purpose was and what I should be doing. As I entered my 30s, I felt as if God was calling me to entrepreneurship and started my own company.

After a few years of running my company, I started searching again for my purpose. I was working 7 days a week, 15-hours a day. I started questioning, "is this all there is?" I felt like I had missed the secret to life. Little did I know, I had.

After over a decade of running my company at the same pace and with two failed pregnancies, I hit my knees and begged God to help. I knew along the way I had left Him out of the equation of my life.

God did send me someone an amazing mentor who taught me how to operate my business by God's grace rather than my grind. In fact, I could operate every area of my life this way. One key was by co-partnering with God.

It was during this time I learned to tap in to the power of the Holy Spirit that resides in followers of Christ. This was the missing secret to life I had been searching for all those years. Now with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I can experience His fruits, love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, patience and self-control.

God has called me to share my experience with others so they can tap in to this same resource in every area of life. Join me each week on Spirit Led Life as we explore tapping in to the power of the Holy Spirit residing in followers of Christ.