Episode 43

Published on:

31st Oct 2024

Transform Your Faith: Journaling Together in Unity

#43: Today I’m so excited to invite you to something special — something close to my heart. Imagine starting your day, or closing it, by sitting down, opening your journal, and just spending time with Jesus. I’m talking about journaling as a way to connect with God.

And guess what? We’re taking it a step further! I’m inviting YOU to join me on a live Zoom call where we can journal with Jesus together. Yes, that’s right. We’re building a little community, where we can share, reflect, and grow in our faith in a supportive space.

So, stick around as I’ll be sharing what Journaling with Jesus is all about, how it works, and why you don’t want to miss out on this Zoom call!

Let's go to the show...

Key Take-Aways:

  • 00:08 -The Journaling Series Finale
  • 00:18 - Inviting You to Journal with Jesus
  • 00:48 - Building a Community of Faith
  • 02:30 - What is Journaling with Jesus?
  • 04:51 - The Power of Community in Journaling
  • 07:00 - How the Zoom Sessions Will Work
  • 11:27 - Sign Up for Journaling with Jesus


Heavenly Position Guidance Challenge:

For this week’s Heavenly Position System Challenge, take out your journals and ask the Holy Spirit about joining these Journaling with Jesus meetings. Write out all your concerns or maybe your excitement with him.

Make sure you don't miss a future episode! You can subscribe to receive email notifications when new episodes release. Visit spiritledlifepodcast.com to sign up.

Want to support this podcast? We have Spirit Led Life Gear available. Everything from hats, t-shirts, mugs to tote bags and anything in-between.

Want to connect with Angee? You can find her on Instagram @angeewrobertson or at angeerobertson.com

Angie Robertson:

I'm Angie Robertson and you're listening to the Spirit Led Life podcast, episode 43.

Angie Robertson:

We have been doing a series all month long, all things journaling, and I am excited to close out this series with this special episode.

Angie Robertson:

Today, I am inviting you to something special, something that is close to my heart.

Angie Robertson:

Imagine starting your day or closing it by sitting down and opening your journal and just spending time with Jesus.

Angie Robertson:

I'm talking about journaling as a way to connect with God and we've been talking about that all month long.

Angie Robertson:

And guess what?

Angie Robertson:

I'm going to take it a step further.

Angie Robertson:

I am inviting you to join me on a live Zoom call where we can journal with Jesus together.

Angie Robertson:

That's right.

Angie Robertson:

We're building a little community and we've already been building the community with this podcast.

Angie Robertson:

We're just taking it a little step further now.

Angie Robertson:

We're going to come together in a time to share, reflect and grow in our faith.

Angie Robertson:

And it's a supportive space.

Angie Robertson:

So stick around as I'll be sharing what Journaling with Jesus is all about, how it works, and why you don't want to miss out on this special zoom call.

Angie Robertson:

Let's go to the show.

Angie Robertson:

Welcome to the show.

Angie Robertson:

If you're new here, I am so glad you are joining us.

Angie Robertson:

On this podcast.

Angie Robertson:

We explore who God is so we can know who he has made us to be and learn to live our lives with, activating the Holy Spirit in us.

Angie Robertson:

Before we get into today's topic, I have a question for you.

Angie Robertson:

Did you receive an email from me where you got to read an entry from my own personal journal?

Angie Robertson:


Angie Robertson:

Well, that means you are not on our email list.

Angie Robertson:

Each week I send out an email that lets you know when a new episode releases, as well as I share behind the scenes in those emails that I don't share anywhere else, such as an entry from my journal.

Angie Robertson:

If you are someone who is overwhelmed with a thought of another email in your inbox, you don't need to be.

Angie Robertson:

These emails are short and easy to read and I also include the show notes for the week's episode so you have easy access to any resources that I share in the podcast, like the link to join us on the Journaling with Jesus Zoom calls.

Angie Robertson:

You can join the list by going to spiritledlifepodcast.com and complete the subscriber form.

Angie Robertson:

I'd love for you to join the list and become a part of the Spirit Led Life community.

Angie Robertson:

Okay, so journaling with Jesus.

Angie Robertson:

What does that mean?

Angie Robertson:

And can I just say journaling with Jesus when I came up with the name.

Angie Robertson:

This was many, many, many years ago that I actually have had this on my heart.

Angie Robertson:

It was almost like five years ago when I bought the domain Journaling with Jesus.

Angie Robertson:

I reached out to my mentor at the time and I said, well, we're actually connecting with the Holy Spirit, but we're talking to God.

Angie Robertson:

But really Jesus is the mediator between the Holy Spirit and God.

Angie Robertson:

So who do I say we're journaling with?

Angie Robertson:

And she was like, I think you're safe picking Journaling with Jesus.

Angie Robertson:

So I did so.

Angie Robertson:

All that to say for me, it simply is taking time to sit down in the presence of God and write down whatever is on my heart, my prayers, my thoughts, my struggles, my gratitude, and especially my two way communication with God, which we had a whole series on two way communication with God.

Angie Robertson:

Be sure to check that.

Angie Robertson:

If you never listen to it, it's really great.

Angie Robertson:

It's more than just jotting down my to do list or just random thoughts.

Angie Robertson:

It's about creating a space where I can listen and reflect and engage with God in a more intimate, personal way.

Angie Robertson:

Some days it's pouring my heart out in a prayer of thanksgiving.

Angie Robertson:

Other days it's working through a scripture that's really resonating with me.

Angie Robertson:

And honestly, sometimes it's just sitting in silence and letting my pen move, trusting the Spirit to guide my words.

Angie Robertson:

In fact, it was through my journaling that God invited me to start this podcast in partnership with Him.

Angie Robertson:

He gave me the topics, the why, the who, everything I needed to take my step of faith.

Angie Robertson:

Journaling has been one of the best tools to help me build a more intimate relationship with God.

Angie Robertson:

And as I've shared before, it is one of the main tools I use to communicate with Him.

Angie Robertson:

Now I want to invite you to try this with me.

Angie Robertson:

Imagine setting aside just a few moments to journal with Jesus.

Angie Robertson:

What might happen?

Angie Robertson:

How might your faith grow?

Angie Robertson:

How might your relationship with him deepen?

Angie Robertson:

I know that some of you are thinking, why would I want to journal with a bunch of people?

Angie Robertson:

Isn't that a more personal, intimate thing?

Angie Robertson:

And you're right, journaling is personal.

Angie Robertson:

And that's exactly what makes it powerful.

Angie Robertson:

When we do it together, you don't have to share your deepest, darkest thoughts or read aloud what you've written unless you really want to.

Angie Robertson:

It's a safe, non judgmental space that we're going to be in together.

Angie Robertson:

It's not about putting pressure on anyone.

Angie Robertson:

It is about being surrounded by others who are on the same journey, who are also seeking Jesus in their everyday lives.

Angie Robertson:

And there's something beautiful that happens when believers come together in unity, even in something as personal as journal writing.

Angie Robertson:

Think about the early church.

Angie Robertson:

They shared everything with each other.

Angie Robertson:

They encouraged one another, they sought God together.

Angie Robertson:

That's the kind of community I envision for these journaling with Jesus Zoom meetings.

Angie Robertson:

A place where we can reflect on what God is saying to each of us personally and then if we feel led, share those reflections to encourage each other.

Angie Robertson:

I've shared this story in my book the Beauty and Letting Go where I was at a Kingdom business retreat and my mentor was leading the group and gave us an assignment to ask God some questions and allow him to answer.

Angie Robertson:

Now I was terrified that A I might not hear anything and b do I have to share what I do or don't write?

Angie Robertson:

I did hear from God in that time and while it wasn't required, I did feel led to share with the group what he had spoken to me.

Angie Robertson:

And what was so cool is it freed everybody else to feel like that they could share and it not have to be perfect.

Angie Robertson:

And he was saying similar things to others who were journaling with him as well.

Angie Robertson:

Even better, someone would share something and it really truly blessed me and it added to what God had already spoken to me.

Angie Robertson:

I'll never forget that day or those people I was with.

Angie Robertson:

It made a huge impact in my life and my heart is this isn't just another podcast you listen to, but a chance to be a part of a community of like minded believers and that we take what God is sharing in this podcast and put it into action in our lives which will impact others, which is his commandment to us anyways to love others.

Angie Robertson:

Now that I've shared the kind of my heart behind everything, let's get down to the practical.

Angie Robertson:

Here's how the Zoom journaling sessions will go.

Angie Robertson:

My goal is to have sessions once per week.

Angie Robertson:

I'm going to just do one session a week and this is all new.

Angie Robertson:

So I do ask for grace as I'm still figuring it out and trying to get dates and schedules and things to line up.

Angie Robertson:

And each Zoom session will be one hour and I plan on staggering days of the week and times so that we can hit everyone's schedule.

Angie Robertson:

Whether you work, go to school, stay home or live in different time zones, there will be availability for everyone.

Angie Robertson:

So while you may not be able to join us one week, you may be able to join the call the next week.

Angie Robertson:

And then the calls aren't building upon themselves, they're just journaling with Jesus sessions.

Angie Robertson:

So it's open for everyone at any point, at any time.

Angie Robertson:

We'll start off these zoom calls by centering ourselves in the presence of God.

Angie Robertson:

And I'll lead us in a short guided prayer meditation.

Angie Robertson:

And don't let that word scare you.

Angie Robertson:

The Bible even talks about, we meditate on the word of God, and meditation means that we're feasting and we're chewing on what God is giving us.

Angie Robertson:

So we'll start with a little guided meditation to kind of help bring us into the present moment.

Angie Robertson:

Because I don't know about you, but my mind can go crazy when I'm trying to focus on something.

Angie Robertson:

And I want a chance for us to come together and just breathe for a moment and be right there in the space.

Angie Robertson:

Not thinking about our to do list, not thinking about picking up the kids from school, not thinking about what we're going to have for dinner, not thinking about this project that needs to be done, or my extensive to do list, and so on and so forth.

Angie Robertson:

I want to do this little meditation to help ground our bodies and bring our bodies, because remember, we're made up of three parts, body, soul, and spirit.

Angie Robertson:

And our body is going to want to go all over the place.

Angie Robertson:


Angie Robertson:

It's wanting to move.

Angie Robertson:

So this will help us to kind of bring our body, bring our soul, bring our spirit all into one place.

Angie Robertson:

This is also an opportunity for us to invite the Holy Spirit into our time, because we need the Holy Spirit.

Angie Robertson:

He's always with us, but we want to invite him in so he can speak to us through our journaling.

Angie Robertson:

I'll then read a passage of scripture or something encouraging, and we'll take a few moments to reflect on it.

Angie Robertson:

And this will be our springboard for journaling.

Angie Robertson:

And I believe that God's word always speaks to us in a fresh way.

Angie Robertson:

That's why it's the living word of God.

Angie Robertson:

And when we take time to meditate on it, you can read a scripture last week and then read it again this week, and it'll have completely different meaning to you based on the season of our life or what God's revealing to us.

Angie Robertson:

So we'll have a moment to reflect on that.

Angie Robertson:

Then we'll have about 10 minutes of quiet time where we can all write in our journals.

Angie Robertson:

And you can write based on the scripture we just read or the inspiration we just talked about, or you can go wherever the Spirit leads you, whether it's prayers or reflections, or if you have a specific question that you want to ask God.

Angie Robertson:

And now I Know you say, why only 10 minutes?

Angie Robertson:

That seems like such a short amount of time.

Angie Robertson:

But studies have shown that this is an average time that allows us to not overthink things and get grounded, but also not too much time to, like, do those things, but then not in too little of a time to where we don't get in the presence of God.

Angie Robertson:

Then we'll have a moment of optional sharing.

Angie Robertson:

So after the journaling time, I'll open the floor for anyone who feels led to share something from their journal.

Angie Robertson:

It could be a prayer, a word of encouragement, or just something that's on your heart.

Angie Robertson:

And there's no pressure here, just an open invitation.

Angie Robertson:

And remember, it's a safe space.

Angie Robertson:

So if you feel like God has put something on your heart to share with someone, please share it or share with the group, please share it.

Angie Robertson:

We want you to share that it doesn't have to be perfect.

Angie Robertson:

And we're not looking for perfect.

Angie Robertson:

We just want obedience in this matter.

Angie Robertson:

And finally, we'll close in prayer, thanking God for the time we spent together and asking him to continue speaking to us throughout the day or week.

Angie Robertson:

So all this sounds simple, right?

Angie Robertson:

But trust me, it's going to be incredibly powerful.

Angie Robertson:

These sessions are not about perfection.

Angie Robertson:

They are about presence, being present with God and present with each other.

Angie Robertson:

All right, if you're intrigued and you're interested, you're probably wondering, how do I sign up?

Angie Robertson:

Well, it's super easy.

Angie Robertson:

I'm going to be hosting these Journaling with Jesus Zoom calls every week at least.

Angie Robertson:

And we have the holidays, so I will skip the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's.

Angie Robertson:

But I'm going to try my best to have one every week.

Angie Robertson:

And whether you're a morning person or a night owl, of course I'm not going to do one at midnight.

Angie Robertson:

But if you like something in the evening, we've got alternate time slots to choose from.

Angie Robertson:

So I'll try to do one week in the morning.

Angie Robertson:

I'll try to do one in the evening.

Angie Robertson:

That way, no matter what your schedule looks like, you can make time for the sacred practice.

Angie Robertson:

All you need to do is head to the link in the show notes, or you can go to journalingwithjesus.com to register.

Angie Robertson:

And right now I'm offering these completely free.

Angie Robertson:

But I do ask that you register so I can send you the Zoom link ahead of time.

Angie Robertson:

And I know how many people are going to be on the call.

Angie Robertson:

And then that way it helps me to plan accordingly because I imagine there'll probably be some Weeks where nobody signs up and then I'll just cancel that call.

Angie Robertson:

But that helps me to know with you registering if you're going to be attending.

Angie Robertson:

And also if you're unsure whether you're going to be able to attend, then I would ask that you just not sign up and just wait until you know for sure.

Angie Robertson:

Because I'm not recording these calls because they are private and they're an intimate time and I want to make it a safe, sacred space for all of us.

Angie Robertson:

So I won't be recording them.

Angie Robertson:

So if you don't feel like you, I know a lot of people, we have a lot of classes out there and the norm is that you sign up for a Zoom class whether you can attend or not, and then you get the recording if you weren't able to attend.

Angie Robertson:

That is not the case with these.

Angie Robertson:

I will not be recording them.

Angie Robertson:

So only sign up if you are 100% sure that you can show up to the call.

Angie Robertson:

And I understand things happen at last minute and you may have signed up knowing that you were going to attend and then something last minute comes up.

Angie Robertson:

That is okay.

Angie Robertson:

No worries.

Angie Robertson:

Just you can sign up for as many classes as you want or as many of these calls as you want so you know you can pick up the next week if you missed that week.

Angie Robertson:

There are no limits to how many of these sessions you can join.

Angie Robertson:

So if I list out four or five sessions, you can sign up for all four or five if you're available.

Angie Robertson:

If you can only sign up for one, that's okay too.

Angie Robertson:

Don't feel like you're missing out if you can't sign up for all of them.

Angie Robertson:

It's just when your schedule allows.

Angie Robertson:

And trust that the Holy Spirit is going to guide you to when you need to sign up and when you need to show up.

Angie Robertson:

So trust in that.

Angie Robertson:

Now, I know for some of you this may be a step outside of your comfort zone.

Angie Robertson:

Heck, this is a step outside of my comfort zone, offering these.

Angie Robertson:

It is something I have dreamed of doing for a very long time and I'll admit I've procrastinated.

Angie Robertson:

And I'm also resolved with the fact that, like I said, no one may sign up at all.

Angie Robertson:

And when I started this podcast, I was worried no one would listen.

Angie Robertson:

But 875 downloads later, someone is listening.

Angie Robertson:

And I have faith that these meetings will fill up as well.

Angie Robertson:

So it may start out slow and we may have just a couple of us on the call.

Angie Robertson:

I will say that if there's no more than one person on the call, I'll probably cancel it.

Angie Robertson:

But if there's at least two or three people or two or three gathered in my name, we will keep on with the call.

Angie Robertson:

So just be graceful with me because we're building this community.

Angie Robertson:

We're still new.

Angie Robertson:

We haven't even been podcasting for a year here.

Angie Robertson:

Part of the reason of offering these is so we can build a community outside of just the podcast and so I can interact with you two way instead of just one way where you're listening to me talk to you.

Angie Robertson:

So maybe you've never journaled before, maybe you've never done something like this in a group setting, but I encourage you, take the leap.

Angie Robertson:

God often meets us in the places where we feel uncertain and he can use this simple act of journaling to speak to your heart in ways you've never expected.

Angie Robertson:

I don't know about you, but I am very excited to see what God is going to do in these calls.

Angie Robertson:

I just know the power.

Angie Robertson:

I've been in something similar to this before.

Angie Robertson:

It wasn't faith based.

Angie Robertson:

It was just a journaling group.

Angie Robertson:

And the power in that was so incredible.

Angie Robertson:

And imagine adding the Holy Spirit to it.

Angie Robertson:

It's going to make it tenfold more powerful.

Angie Robertson:

So I'm excited to bring these to you and to join with you.

Angie Robertson:

Now before we wrap up, I want to take a moment to thank all of you out there listening.

Angie Robertson:

Those of you one of those 875 people, those of you who download each episode each week and leave kind reviews like this one from Laura Richards323 where she says, just listen to the episode with Karen Hawke.

Angie Robertson:

What a wonderful conversation about how much God loves us.

Angie Robertson:


Angie Robertson:

And I'll link to Karen.

Angie Robertson:

If you haven't heard Karen's interview that I did, this was way back at the be, you know, earlier in the year.

Angie Robertson:

It was phenomenal and I can't recommend it enough.

Angie Robertson:

So if you've got some things to heal in your life, definitely give that a listen.

Angie Robertson:

It just means so much though that you guys take the time to listen and leave a review.

Angie Robertson:

And I can't stress how important it is to leave a review.

Angie Robertson:

And I just want to let you know that I really appreciate it and that you're a part of this community by doing that and by joining and following this podcast and coming to these zoom calls that are coming up.

Angie Robertson:

I also want to invite those who maybe this is your first episode you are listening to, or maybe you've been listening off and on.

Angie Robertson:

I want to encourage you to click the follow link on your favorite podcast platform to become an official part of the community.

Angie Robertson:

It just means so much to me again, and we can't.

Angie Robertson:

I can't do this alone.

Angie Robertson:

I need you guys.

Angie Robertson:

I need you to help spread the word about this podcast so that we can build this wonderful space, this sacred, safe space for all of us to really tap into the Holy Spirit.

Angie Robertson:

Now, as we wrap up, I just want to speak from the heart for a moment.

Angie Robertson:

I started journaling with Jesus because I needed a space to process my thoughts, my prayers, and, honestly, just life.

Angie Robertson:

But over time, it's become one of my most precious parts of my spiritual walk.

Angie Robertson:

It's a space where I've experienced healing, guidance and a deeper intimacy with God.

Angie Robertson:

And that's why I'm inviting you to join me.

Angie Robertson:

So let's take this journey together.

Angie Robertson:

Let's create a space where we can meet with Jesus, listen to his voice, and encourage one another.

Angie Robertson:

I truly believe he has something to say to each of us, and I can't wait to see how he moves in our lives.

Angie Robertson:

So don't wait.

Angie Robertson:

Sign up for the next Journaling with Jesus Zoom session.

Angie Robertson:

It's going to be such a blessing.

Angie Robertson:

I promise.

Angie Robertson:

Now, for this week's Heavenly Position system challenge, take out your journals and I want you to ask the Holy Spirit about joining these Journaling with Jesus meetings and write out all of your concerns.

Angie Robertson:

Or maybe you're excited and write that out, too.

Angie Robertson:

Just get it all out and share it all with Him.

Angie Robertson:

Now, as I close, I am going to leave you with a poem that Sulai Ramire wrote for us in episode 41.

Angie Robertson:

And it is such a beautiful poem and not something to only be shared once, in my opinion.

Angie Robertson:

So I'm sharing it again.

Angie Robertson:

And I thought it was perfect for learning about journaling with Jesus.

Angie Robertson:


Angie Robertson:

There's something that happens when my fingers touch the pages of this journal.

Angie Robertson:

When I feel the pen roll smoothly across the paper, something clicks in my mind.

Angie Robertson:

The gears shift.

Angie Robertson:

And when I add color and imagery, a whole world comes to life.

Angie Robertson:

I come alive.

Angie Robertson:

My spirit connects with he who is beyond and above.

Angie Robertson:

My thoughts slowed down enough to hear him calling.

Angie Robertson:

There is a clarity that is unexplainable, a kind of clarity that is defined by peace and hope.

Angie Robertson:

A peace and hope that only comes from him, the ultimate creator, the ultimate artist.

Angie Robertson:

Blessed am I that the one who created the world chose me to also create.

Angie Robertson:

May all that these hands touch and form point back to him.

Angie Robertson:

To God be the glory.

Angie Robertson:

Thank you for joining me on today's.

Angie Robertson:


Angie Robertson:

This episode was produced, recorded and edited by me, Angie Robertson.

Angie Robertson:

I look forward to joining you each Thursday for a new episode as we explore together how to have a spirit led life sa.

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If you want to contribute financially, you can do so with the Buy Me a Coffee button.

Thank you for being here!
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Mary Williams $25
It's GIVING TUESDAY! -- Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Donna $10
I really enjoyed this episode and look forward to listening and spending more quality time with God.
Mary Williams $25
Loving the Podcast🙌🏽🙏 Thanks for being so faithful💌
Show artwork for Spirit Led Life

About the Podcast

Spirit Led Life
What if you were sure of the next step you should take in life? Not doubting for a moment. What if you were confident in who you are and how you show up in this world? What if you could have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control?

Join host Angee Robertson as she shares her journey as well as others on how we can be led by the Holy Spirit all day, every day even in the most mundane. You’ll discover that in a world that is overloaded with information, opinions and judgements, we have a comforter that can quiet the noise and bring us peace and assurance. You’ll begin to have more confidence in hearing and knowing God’s voice, trusting decisions you make and how God made a one of a kind you, not to be duplicated!
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About your host

Profile picture for Angee Robertson

Angee Robertson

The summer of my senior year in high school, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. As I approached my twenties, I was wondering what my purpose was and what I should be doing. As I entered my 30s, I felt as if God was calling me to entrepreneurship and started my own company.

After a few years of running my company, I started searching again for my purpose. I was working 7 days a week, 15-hours a day. I started questioning, "is this all there is?" I felt like I had missed the secret to life. Little did I know, I had.

After over a decade of running my company at the same pace and with two failed pregnancies, I hit my knees and begged God to help. I knew along the way I had left Him out of the equation of my life.

God did send me someone an amazing mentor who taught me how to operate my business by God's grace rather than my grind. In fact, I could operate every area of my life this way. One key was by co-partnering with God.

It was during this time I learned to tap in to the power of the Holy Spirit that resides in followers of Christ. This was the missing secret to life I had been searching for all those years. Now with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I can experience His fruits, love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, patience and self-control.

God has called me to share my experience with others so they can tap in to this same resource in every area of life. Join me each week on Spirit Led Life as we explore tapping in to the power of the Holy Spirit residing in followers of Christ.